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Symbols, Logos and Trademarks: 1,500 Outstanding Designs from India - Download Zip and Explore India

A brand name is the part of a brand that can be spoken or written and identifies a product, service or company and sets it apart from other comparable products within a category. A brand name may include words, phrases, signs, symbols, designs, or any combination of these elements. For consumers, a brand name is a "memory heuristic": a convenient way to remember preferred product choices. A brand name is not to be confused with a trademark which refers to the brand name or part of a brand that is legally protected.[67] For example, Coca-Cola not only protects the brand name, Coca-Cola, but also protects the distinctive Spencerian script and the contoured shape of the bottle.

A type of mark used by members of a group or organization. Some are used to indicate membership, and others are used by group members to distinguish their goods and services from those of nonmembers. Like trademarks, collective marks can be words, phrases, symbols, designs, or a combination of these things.

Symbols, Logos and Trademarks: 1,500 Outstanding Designs from India


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