Para echar una luz sobre la figura de Vargas Llosa, dejo a continuación fragmentos de un libro llamado Lo que Varguitas no dijo escrito en 1983 por la boliviana, Julia Urquidi Illanes, tía y ex esposa del escritor, quien vivió una relación desquiciante, tormentosa y traumática con el autor de La Ciudad y los perros. En los intervalos de los fragmentos enunciados entre comillas se encuentran acotaciones del sitio Aporrea.
lo que varguitas no dijo epub to 19
Lo que Varguitas no dijo cuenta los vaivenes y entretelones de la unión matrimonial que mantuvo Vargas Llosa con su tía Julia, a quien el escritor peruano le debe mucho de sus éxitos como novelista, pues ella lo ayudó y lo protegió cuando éste era un desconocido inquilino de húmedas bohardillas en Paris.
La sorpresa de Lo que Varguita no dijo, está sin embargo, lejos de lo que podría presumir un lector que espera simplemente un libro de réplica y polémica, en que ese testimonio se impone por sus valores intrínsecos por la valentía de una narración que no oculta nada y que expresa un momento dramático que, de acuerdo a Julia, ha sido omitido en la novela de Vargas Llosa La tía julia y el escribidor.
Una tarde que estábamos solo en casa, decidí abordar el tema que tanto me atormentaba; le dije a Mario que tuviera cuidado, que yo veía lo que estaba sucediendo, que su amor de primo podría convertirse en amor de hombre. Para qué lo diría! Nunca lo vi tan energúmeno. Me trató de mentirosa, de calumniar a una niña de quince años y, sobre todo hija de mi hermana. Me dijo que mi celos eran paranoicos, que me estaba volviendo loca, que qué pensarían mi cuñado y mi hermana si supieran que ofendía con mis dudas a su hija, que me portaba como una histérica, etc. Proclamaba tanto la inocencia de los dos, que me sentía como un verdugo; pensé si realmente no estaría volviéndome loca.
In 1977, Vargas Llosa was elected as a member of the Peruvian Academy of Language, a membership he still holds today. That year, he also published Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter (La tía Julia y el escribidor), based in part on his marriage to his first wife, Julia Urquidi, to whom he dedicated the novel.[51] She later wrote a memoir, Lo que Varguitas no dijo (What Little Vargas Didn't Say), in which she gives her personal account of their relationship. She states that Vargas Llosa's account exaggerates many negative points in their courtship and marriage while minimizing her role of assisting his literary career.[52] Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter is considered one of the most striking examples of how the language and imagery of popular culture can be used in literature.[53] The novel was adapted in 1990 into a Hollywood feature film, Tune in Tomorrow.
It was almost 20 years before Vargas Llosa wrote another major work: The Feast of the Goat (La fiesta del chivo), a political thriller, was published in 2000 (and in English in 2001). According to Williams, it is Vargas Llosa's most complete and most ambitious novel since The War of the End of the World.[64] Critic Sabine Koellmann sees it in the line of his earlier novels such as "Conversación en la catedral" depicting the effects of authoritarianism, violence and the abuse of power on the individual.[65] Based on the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo, who governed the Dominican Republic from 1930 until his assassination in 1961, the novel has three main strands: one concerns Urania Cabral, the daughter of a former politician and Trujillo loyalist, who returns for the first time since leaving the Dominican Republic after Trujillo's assassination 30 years earlier; the second concentrates on the assassination itself, the conspirators who carry it out, and its consequences; and the third and final strand deals with Trujillo himself in scenes from the end of his regime.[64] The book quickly received positive reviews in Spain and Latin America,[66] and has had a significant impact in Latin America, being regarded as one of Vargas Llosa's best works.[64]
Many of Vargas Llosa's earlier novels were set in Peru, while in more recent work he has expanded to other regions of Latin America, such as Brazil and the Dominican Republic.[116] His responsibilities as a writer and lecturer have allowed him to travel frequently and led to settings for his novels in regions outside of Peru.[47] The War of the End of the World was his first major work set outside Peru.[27] Though the plot deals with historical events of the Canudos revolt against the Brazilian government, the novel is not based directly on historical fact; rather, its main inspiration is the non-fiction account of those events published by Brazilian writer Euclides da Cunha in 1902.[56] The Feast of the Goat, based on the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo, takes place in the Dominican Republic;[64] in preparation for this novel, Vargas Llosa undertook a comprehensive study of Dominican history.[117] The novel was characteristically realist, and Vargas Llosa underscores that he "respected the basic facts, ... I have not exaggerated", but at the same time he points out "It's a novel, not a history book, so I took many, many liberties."[118] 2ff7e9595c